God is amazing...

God is amazing, holy, and merciful... But our world is broken by sin and is filled with confusion & fear. However, God provides truth, love, and grace. At Christ Community Church we clearly and uncompromisingly promote a much-needed Biblical culture that encourages us to live lives of love, truth, and grace both in and outside of the church.

In doing so we glorify God, love others, and communicate the Good News that Jesus Christ forgives sin. That's vital to have in the midst of a culture that's broken, confused, and fearful. As we follow Jesus Christ, we realize we're not perfect, but we hold to the grace of God.

Our Sunday services consist of:

- 8am, Men- join us for EveryMan Men's Bible study at 8am

- 9am, Sunday School for all ages.

- have a cup of coffee and visit with us before the service in the commons area of the sanctuary.

- 10am call to worship (welcome, reading of Scripture, & prayer)

- worship (theologically rich hymns, theologically rich praise & worship)

- children go to children's church, infants toddlers go to the nursery.

- expository preaching & teaching (going through books of the Bible verse by verse & topical subjects that are relative to the culture)

- weekly communion

- corporate prayer

Our Wednesday services consist of the same as our Sundays except that it's a full family service and it's an hour long from 6:30-7:30pm.

come as you are...

We invite you to worship with us.

  20 E. Main St., Dellroy, OH, 44620

For additional information on Christ Community Church click here.