I was recently talking to someone that went through some major surgery and they were lamenting that
they were struggling with muscle atrophy because they have not been able to get any exercise because
they have been laying on the couch resting and healing. I was reminded that our spiritual journey can be
a lot like my friends’ problem. I believe we all have often faced spiritual deserts where we have willingly
refrained from flexing our spiritual muscles. There have been times when I have become lethargic in my
spiritual journey and have spent far less time in prayer and more time in work or time wasting activities
that contained nothing beneficial to my soul.
Sometimes it is easy to fall into habits that edify nothing but our own sluggishness. I am not
discouraging rest, simply pointing out that there is a stark difference between being overly inactive and
resting. Rest provides much needed recharge to those who are actively working for a purpose.
There are times where atrophy of the heart and soul freezes us in place and creates walls around our
perceptions of growth and spiritual purpose. Be mindful of the traps. The father of lies would love to
keep us in these spaces of inactivity and atrophy. When we are frozen in place we are no longer a threat
to darkness and all the trappings of this world.
Be willing to have your plans disrupted. Be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to disturb your heart through
conviction and revelation. In the spiritual stretching process, may we be able to work out the pain of
growth as our wounds are exposed. The Lord seeks to heal, restore and stretch us - the only thing
preventing us from expanding our faith is us. Embrace the pain, the growing pains, the exposed hurts,
the vulnerable spaces we have yet to surrender. When we embrace them they can no longer keep us
bound by human reasoning and earthly limits. Instead we are exposed to an eternal perspective that will drive us into a deeper faith.
Something more to ponder today.
Elder Stan