EveryMan men's ministry means just what it says, EVERY MAN. Men of God are needed today more than ever;

and more than we'd like to admit- men need each other. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey

as a man, EveryMan is meant for you. As Jesus set THE example of what it means to be a man, the EveryMan

gathering is designed to help you to grow into the man of God that Jesus desires for every man.

Our goal is not to become better men, but to become more like Jesus Christ.

EVERYMAN Men's Bible Study

At the Sunday Men's Bible Study, we explore the Bible verse by verse and extract what God to us as men. Discover with us how we can apply Biblical truth to glorify God, love our families, strengthen one another, and to help us grow in the knowledge of Jesus as men. Meet with us Sundays, from 8-8:45am in CCC's fellowship Hall.

STARTING OCT 9! Romans...Understanding the Essential Gospel

EVERYMAN Breakfast

At each EveryMan breakfast gathering we'll feast on breakfast, dig into the Bible, and from our time & talk together we'll have a brotherhood based on following Jesus. The Everyman Breakfast meets monthly on Saturdays at 7am: Free Breakfast, Bible Study to address a man's walk with God, and steadfast fellowship.

When:  December 21, 2024 Time7am

Location: CCC Fellowship Hall

More info:

330-735-2127, 330-205-9257cccmsa@loveled.org