Revised 10-18-2020
The Church is of God, and therefore, its ministry, both in identity and intent, belong to God. Through Christ, God has called the Church into being as the community of faith (Romans 5:1-2). Therefore, the Bible is our continual and final authority for all matters including those of faith and practice. Furthermore, we affirm that only by the indwelling Holy Spirit can we fulfill the will of God for Christ Community Church. With this in mind, the purpose of this Constitution is to provide a framework to facilitate the ministry of this Church; for the Bible teaches us to do all things “in a fitting and orderly way”.
(1 Corinthians 14:40).
Article I Name, Location, and Incorporation
- The name of this congregation shall be Christ Community Church of Dellroy, Ohio.
- The facilities are located on 20 E. Main Street, Dellroy, Ohio 44620
- The mailing address is 20 E. Main Street, Dellroy, Ohio 44620.
- This church is chartered as a non-profit religious organization, according to the laws of the State of Ohio.
Article II Statement of Congregational Policy
Christ Community Church is independent and governed by a board of officers elected by the voting membership.
We recognize Jesus Christ as the head of the Church while adhering to and utilizing the Bible as its source of authority in all things,
free from the authority of any denomination, association, Church
conference or any other governing body.
Article III Statement of Faith (Doctrine)
1. We affirm the Bible to be inspired by the Triune God (God the Father, God the Son {Jesus Christ}, and God the Holy Spirit). As the Bible is the Word of God, it holds authority over every person, is without error, and is completely flawless.
This is the doctrine of BIBLIOLOGY or the doctrine of the WRITTEN WORD.
(2 Timothy 3:15-17, 2 Peter 1:21)
2. We affirm that there is one God Who exists in three Persons and Who is without beginning and has no end:
God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit.
This is the doctrine of the TRINITY
(Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 28:19, 2 Corinthians 13:14, Matthew 3:16-17)
3. We affirm that Jesus Christ is God; in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His substitutionary death that paid for mankind’s sins on the cross, in His bodily raising from the dead, in His rising from Earth to Heaven to the right hand of the Father,
and in His present priestly ministry.
This is the doctrine of the *DEITY, (*Godship), of JESUS CHRIST.
(Philippians 2:6-11, Matthew 1:22-23, 2 Corinthians 5:21, John 3:2, Isaiah 53:4-7, 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, Acts 2:32-33, Hebrews 7:21-25)
4. We affirm that personal salvation is only through Jesus Christ paying for mankind’s sins on the cross through the shedding of His blood. This salvation is for all who, by God's empowering and saving grace, turn from their sin and who, by faith, turn to Christ and receive and confess Him as Lord and Savior resulting in a new life that is purposed to please God.
This is the doctrine of SALVATION
(Ephesians 2:8-10, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, Acts 3:19, Romans 10:9-10)
5. We affirm the process of the follower of Jesus to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to constantly & consistently set himself/herself apart from the actions of the sinful human nature, the world’s anti-God ideals, and the devil, to the things of God and the overcoming & abundant life as God's design for them.
This is the doctrine of SANCTIFICATION
(1 John 3:3-10, 2 Peter 1:3-8, 1 Peter 1:16-19, Romans 6:14-22)
6. We affirm the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the church as Comforter, our Guide into all truth, and Enabler who empowers. The Holy Spirit empowers the Church to talk about Jesus Christ in their speech and in their actions while He gives His followers supernatural gifts (Gifts from Heaven), as He wills, to effectively impact people, events and culture inside and outside of the church for the Gospel. We’re able to see the work of the Holy Spirit, and the supernatural gifts, in the deeds of those who follow Jesus.
This is the doctrine of the HOLY SPIRIT
(John 14:15-17, Acts 1:8, 2:1-4, 11:15-17, 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, Galatians 5:22-23)
7. We affirm that it is the responsibility of the Church to spread the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ, verbally and through its actions until He returns to the Earth. We affirm that all who are a part of the Church have the responsibility to actively work in partnership with God to build His Kingdom; Pastors shepherd, lead, delegate, and serve and the church ministers to the people.
This is the doctrine of EVANGELISM
(Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Romans 15:17-19, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Ephesians 4:11-12, Matthew 20:26-28)
8. We affirm the command of Baptism following repentance (turning away from sin and turning to God) and putting one’s faith in Christ. We recognize that baptism does not provide forgiveness. Baptism is a symbol of salvation and a mark of obedience that a person shows to the world that they are now a follower of Jesus.
Baptism is a sacrament (An act of high worship to God because of an inward work of grace through which God blesses His Church for their participation and observance).
This sacrament is the doctrine of BAPTISM
(Matthew 3:13-17, 28:19, Acts 8:12-13, 36-39)
9. We affirm the consistent participation of the Lord's Supper, (Communion), to be practiced in church services. Jesus Christ’s body was broken for us on the cross and the blood that was shed was for the taking away of sins. To remember this great act of Jesus, we use bread and juice. The broken bread symbolizes the body of Christ and we share and eat that bread with one another. The juice we share and drink with one another symbolizes the blood of Jesus.
Communion is a sacrament (An act of high worship to God because of an inward work of grace through which God blesses His Church for their participation and observance).
This sacrament is called the doctrine of THE LORD’S SUPPER.
(1Corinthians 11:17-34)
10. We affirm Christ's soon and personal return in power and great glory and in His and everlasting dominion.
(Acts 1:11, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, Revelation 19:11-16, Ephesians 1:20-22)
11. We affirm the resurrection (raising from the dead) of those who are followers of Jesus and those who are not followers of Jesus: they who are followers of Jesus will experience the resurrection of life forever with Jesus and they who are not followers of Jesus will experience the resurrection to punishment forever.
This is the doctrine of the RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD.
(Matthew 25:31-46, 1 Corinthians 15:51-53, John 5:28-29, Revelation 20:15, 21:8)
12. We affirm that sexual purity is God’s command for all people and requires restraining from sex outside of marriage, incest, homosexuality, bestiality, lust for sex, or other sexual relationships or practices forbidden by Scripture.
Christ Community Church recognizes it as the doctrine of SEXUAL PURITY.
(Hebrews 13:4, Romans 1:21-32, 1 Corinthians 6:18, Leviticus 18:1-30)
13. We affirm that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in a covenant commitment (binding promise) for a lifetime and is a sacred institution established by God.
This is the doctrine of MARRIAGE.
(Matthew 19:4-6)
14. We affirm that since mankind is created in God’s image, human life is priceless and significant in all its dimensions, from conception to death. This view on life is motivated by love.
Christ Community Church recognizes it as the doctrine of the SANCTITY of LIFE.
(Genesis 1:27, Psalm 139:13-14)
15. We affirm that within the boundaries of mankind, God has designed two genders only, that being male and female. We recognize and affirm that God has also blessed the two specific genders. As each person is uniquely designed by God, gender is a gift from the omniscient God.
Christ Community Church recognizes it as the doctrine of GENDER.
(Genesis 1:27, 5:1-2, Matthew 19:4, Mark 10:6, Romans 1:19)
16. We affirm that God has given the Church Elders for primary spiritual leadership and oversight of the Church. In their leadership and oversight, they are to teach and preach the Word, protect and care for the Church, visit the sick and pray, as well as judge doctrinal issues. Elders are to shepherd God’s people. The Bible recognizes Elders as men.
This is the doctrine of ELDERSHIP.
(Acts 20:28, 1 Timothy 3:1-7, 5:17-20, Titus 1:5-9, 1 Peter 5:1-4)
Article IV Statement of Purpose
The purpose of Christ Community Church shall be to 1promote the interest of the Kingdom of God according to the teachings of the 2Gospel of Jesus Christ, as prophesied in the Old Testament and realized in the New Testament, 3to maintain public services for the worship of God and the preaching of His Word, 4to administer the Sacraments, and to seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ in accordance with His great commission.
(1 Matthew 6:33, 2 1 Cor. 1:22, Romans 10:9 & 13, Galatians 3 & 4, 3 Psalm 122:1-4, Luke 20:1, 4 Matthew 28:16-20)
Article V Amendments
Any article or section of this Constitution and/or Bylaws may be amended only by a vote of the Voting members during a regular or special congregational meeting. Written notice of such amendment, being agreed upon by a majority of the Board, must be presented to the membership at least three weeks in advance of the regular or special congregational meeting.
A Constitutional Amendment may only be considered when at least 60% of the Voting members are in attendance. For passage of the amendment, 75% of the votes must be in favor of the amendment.
A Bylaw Amendment may only be considered when a simple majority of the Voting members are in attendance. For passage of the amendment, a simple majority of the votes must be in favor of the amendment.
Revised 10-18-2020
Section I Membership
Membership is Christ’s sovereign drawing of a person to a local body of believers using the obedience of God’s people to all partner together, in covenant, to fulfill the mandate of the Kingdom of God as Biblically defined in a local area. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) Membership is a valuable two-way relationship between the member and the church. A person is considered a member of Christ Community Church upon completion of the Membership Training Class and the signing of the Membership Covenant. Membership is defined in two ways at Christ Community Church; a voting member or a non-voting member (see below).
1) Voting Member
a) Any member, age 16 or older, who has completed the Membership Training Class and signed the Membership Covenant.
b) Members prior to June 30, 2019. These members are encouraged, but not required, to complete the Membership Training Class and sign the Membership Covenant.
2) Non-voting Member
a) Any member who has been inactive for a period of six months or longer may become a non-voting member, with Board review and discretion.
3) Other membership information:
a) Any member may voluntarily request to withdraw their membership at any time by contacting the Pastor.
b) Any member who has been absent for a period of six months or longer may have their membership dissolved, with Board review and discretion.
c) Unresolved conflicts may also result in dissolution of membership (See Section 7 Conflict Resolution).
d) Any required Quorum is determined using the number of voting members only.
Section 2 Board
1) The Board shall consist of the Senior Pastor, and no less than three Board Elders and no less than three Board Trustees.
2) The Board may adjust the total number of Board Elders and Board Trustees equally, according to the size and needs of the church.
3) The Board shall endeavor to meet at least once each month; a simple majority of board members shall constitute a quorum.
4) The Board shall be responsible for maintaining all paid staff, including hiring and dismissing, not including the Pastor(s).
5) The Moderator of the Board shall be chosen by the Board annually in January.
6) If the Moderator cannot attend a meeting of the Board, the board members will appoint a temporary Moderator for the meeting.
8) If a Board Elder vacancy occurs, the group of Elders will appoint an Elder to complete the Board term. The same process will be followed in a Trustee vacancy. These appointments are subject to the affirmation of the Board.
9) The Christian Education Director, Treasurer, and Clerk shall be non-voting board members.
10) Rules of Order - Robert’s Rules of Order (last revised edition) shall be the parliamentary guideline for any meeting of the Board or Congregation.
11) Board meetings are open and anyone is welcome to attend and observe.
Section 3 Congregational Meeting
1) The membership will be notified from the pulpit and in church media at least three weeks prior to any Congregational Meeting.
2) The Annual Congregational Meeting shall be held during the month of October.
3) The Annual Congregational Meeting shall include a review of the current financial report, election of Board Elders and Board Trustees of Christ Community Church and the election of two members of the Nominating Committee (the third member will be selected from the Board), in addition to any other Church business.
4) The Moderator of the Congregational Meeting shall be a member of the current Board.
5) Board Elders and Board Trustees will be elected by approval of a simple majority of the Voting members present.
6) The Board Elders and Board Trustees elected shall assume office January 1st following the Annual Congregational Meeting
7) A Special Congregational meeting may be called by the Board.
8) A Special Congregational meeting may be called by members – see Section 7 Conflict Resolution for details.
Section 4 Nominating Committee
1) This Committee shall accept nominations for Board Elders and Board Trustees.
2) A member of the Board shall serve as Chairman of this committee.
3) Shall consist of the Chairman and two members-at-large. At-large members shall be elected at the Annual Congregational Meeting.
4) No person will serve two years in succession.
5) The congregation will be notified from the pulpit and in church media at least three weeks prior to the opening of the nomination process.
6) The congregation may nominate Elder(s) to serve on the Board from the ordained Elders who have served greater than one year as an Elder.
7) The congregation may nominate Trustee(s) to serve on the Board from the installed Trustees who have served greater than one year as a Trustee.
8) Nominations shall be received from the membership during the month of May.
9) The committee will present the list of potential candidates to the Board for affirmation during the June board meeting.
10) During July, the Nominating Committee shall meet with potential candidates giving them time to discern the Lord's will and direction.
11) The Nominating committee, having heard back from the potential candidates by August 20th, will then assemble a final list of candidates to be presented to the Board during the August board meeting.
12) This final list of candidates will be submitted in writing to the membership at least three weeks prior to the Congregational meeting giving time for the congregation to also seek the Lord's will and direction in preparation for the election.
Section 5 Officers
All officers must be a member of Christ Community Church. (added 10/18/2020)
1) A Pastor shall be a man of high moral character and his life guided by the Holy Scriptures in its entirety.
2) A Pastor shall preach the Word, administer the Sacraments, and perform various pastoral duties.
3) A pastor shall serve as the shepherd to the congregation, providing visionary leadership and spiritual direction in accordance with the Scriptures.
4) A Pastor shall be part of the Eldership team providing spiritual care, guidance, and leadership to the congregation.
5) See formal job description on file in the church office for detailed duties.
6) A team of three Elders and/or Trustees selected by the Board shall conduct an annual review of the Pastor.
7) A Pastor may request that the Pastoral Relationship be dissolved by presenting his intention to dissolve the relationship to the Board in writing. The Board shall notify the membership of this request.
8) The Church membership may also request that the Pastoral relationship is dissolved, if the Pastor is not fulfilling his duties, following these steps:
a. Section 7 Conflict Resolution will be the first step to address this concern.
b. The Board will consult with the Pastor.
c. If the issue(s) cannot be resolved, the Board, by majority vote, may call for a special congregational meeting at which time the matter will be presented to the congregation.
d. Removal of the Pastor may be considered only when at least 60% of the Voting members are in attendance. To remove the Pastor 75% of the votes must be in favor of removal.
9) When the congregation is without a Pastor, the Board shall appoint a Pulpit Committee.
a) The Pulpit Committee shall consist of at least two members of the Board and at least one voting member of the church at large, not to exceed a total of 7 persons.
b) The Pulpit Committee will recommend to the Board a candidate, and the Board will interview and evaluate the candidate.
c) With the Board’s endorsement, a candidate will then be recommended to the congregation.
d) Approval of a prospective Pastor may be considered only when at least 60% of the Voting members are in attendance. To affirm the Pastor 75% of the votes must be in favor of approval.
2) Elders will daily walk out the qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 to serve Christ’s Kingdom, His church, and the world.
3) Elders shall spiritually lead the congregation, shepherd, protect the church, rebuke, guide, exhort, admonish and encourage the congregation in accordance with the Scriptures.
4) Elders will be available to meet the spiritual needs of the Church.
5) Elders will oversee the teaching of doctrine and direct the teaching of the Church as is fitting to the Bible.
6) The Elders shall be available to serve as members of the Board if elected to the position of a Board Elder.
7) Elder candidates may be nominated by any member of Christ Community Church at any time to a current Elder or the Senior Pastor.
8) The Elder candidate will be interviewed and screened by the Pastor and Elders.
9) The Elder candidate will be presented before the congregation during a Sunday Service to ensure accountability.
10) The Elder candidate will complete the Elder training period, as prescribed in the Christ Community Church Elder Training Plan.
11) The Elder candidate, after completing his training successfully, will be ordained to the position of Elder during a Sunday service.
12) Once ordained as an Elder, the Elder’s calling and service to Christ, the Church, and the world is for life.
14) Board Elders shall serve no more than six consecutive years as a member of the Board without a break of at least one year.
15) Should an Elder choose to vacate his position of Eldership for any reason, he will make it known to the Board in writing two weeks prior to his departure.
16) See formal job description on file in the church office for detailed duties.
17) There is no limit on the number of Elders that may serve Christ Community Church.
Acts 6:1–7, 14:21-23, 20:28, 1 Corinthians 14:33, 1 Timothy 3:1-13, 5:17–22,
Hebrews 10:24, 13:17, Titus 1:5-9, 1 Peter 5:1-4, Ephesians 5:20; 5:23,
Matthew 18:15-17; 25:14-30, 1 John 4:1, James 3:1, Galatians 6:1
Elder Disqualification and Restoration
1) If unrepented of, or heinous, sin is found to be in the Elder’s life, disqualification from that position will be immediate.
2) Furthermore, the steps of Section 7 Conflict Resolution will be implemented to gain repentance of the sin. Restoration with the church family will be encouraged.
1) A Trustee shall be a member in good standing, whose life is guided by the teaching found in 1 Timothy 3:8-11, Romans 12:3-8, 2 Corinthians 1:24, Ephesians 6:6 and Romans 16:1-2.
2) The Trustees shall assist the Elders in ministry to the congregation and community. They shall help serve in such areas as Holy Communion and Water Baptism.
3) Trustee candidates may be nominated by any member of Christ Community Church at any time by speaking with a current Trustee or the Senior Pastor.
4) The Trustee candidate will be interviewed and screened by the Pastor and Trustees.
5) The Trustee candidate will be presented before the congregation during a Sunday Service.
6) Following Trustee orientation, the candidate will be installed as a Trustee.
7) A Trustee is eligible to serve on the Board only after serving as a Trustee for at least one year.
8) Trustees shall serve no more than six consecutive years as a member of the Board without a break of at least one year.
9) Board Trustees shall be bonded and serve as the legal representatives of the church as a non-profit religious organization and will be authorized as directed by the Board to conduct business on behalf of the church; signing all legal documentation as required.
10) There is no limit on the number of Trustees that may serve Christ Community Church.
11) There is no limit to the number of years a person may serve as a Trustee.
12) See formal job description on file in the church office for detailed duties.
13) The procedure for removing a Trustee from office is as follows:
a) Any member may notify the Pastor or Elders of an issue in violation of the standards found in 1 Timothy 3:8-11, Romans 12:3-8, 2 Corinthians 1:24, Ephesians 6:6 and Romans 16:1-2.
b) The Pastor, Elders, and Board Trustees will review the charge and meet with the Trustee in question.
c) If the violation is substantiated, the violation will be brought to the Board.
d) The Board, by majority vote (excluding said Trustee if a Board Trustee), may remove Trustee from the position.
14) Should a Trustee choose to vacate the position for any reason, he/she will make it known to the Board in writing two weeks prior to his/her departure.
Section 6 Support Roles (non-voting members of the Board)
Christian Education Director
1) The Christian Education Director shall be appointed annually by the Elders and confirmed by the Board.
2) The Christian Education Director shall work in collaboration with the Elders.
4) See formal job description on file in the church office for detailed duties.
5) The Christian Education Director may be removed from this position at his/her request or by action of the Board.
1) The Treasurer shall be appointed annually by the Trustees and confirmed by the Board.
2) The Treasurer shall work in collaboration with the Trustees and shall keep an account of receipts, expenditures, and all transactions in conformity with accepted bookkeeping practices.
3) His/her signature shall be recorded at the bank.
4) The Treasurer shall be bonded.
5) The Treasurer shall report regularly to the Board and annually to the congregation.
6) The financial records of Christ Community Church shall be bi-annually audited by an internal audit committee, under the supervision of the Trustees. An internal audit will be performed when a Treasurer leaves office for any reason. An internal or external audit may be requested at any time by the Board.
7) See formal job description on file in the church office for detailed duties.
8) The Treasurer may be removed from this position at his/her request or by action of the Board.
9) The fiscal year of Christ Community Church shall correspond with the calendar year.
1) The Clerk shall be appointed annually by the Trustees and confirmed by the Board.
2) The Clerk shall keep an accurate record of all Board and Congregational meetings.
3) See formal job description on file in the church office for detailed duties.
4) The Clerk may be removed from this position at his/her request or by action of the Board.
Section 7 Conflict Resolution
1) The Bible warns that people in the church may have difficulties with conflict.
2) Some conflict can be used to improve the ministry of the church (Acts 6:1-7).
3) There are various reasons for conflict, but in every case, it is the offended believer’s responsibility to seek to resolve conflict and work toward peace (Romans 12:18).
4) Christ Community Church and its members will strictly adhere to the path that Jesus teaches us to follow in Matthew 18:15-20.
Matthew 18:15-20 (ESV)
15 “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault,
between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.
16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. 18 Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask,
it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
5) If, after following all these steps, there is still unresolved conflict, any of the parties involved may request a Congregational meeting. To request a Congregational meeting the parties must advise the Board in writing of their request. The Board must then follow the proper steps spelled out in Section 3, Congregational Meeting, to call a Congregational meeting.
Section 8 Use of Christ Community Church Property
The use of any and all Christ Community Church property will only be granted to individual people or groups that adhere to the beliefs stated in the Constitution. The Trustees will have final approval concerning any use of Christ Community Church property.