We bring Good News, the news that Jesus Christ offers forgiveness to sinners... that's everyone. Every Christian has the privileged responsibility to share the Good News (Matt. 28:18-20) and we do that joyfully through various means:
- Personally- in our daily life through relationships and friendships.
- Corporately- together on scheduled Church outreaches that involve serving and blessing others.
- Worship Service- every Sunday during the worship service we let everyone know that Jesus forgives sin and we publicly make the offer to receive Jesus as Lord & Savior.
Evangelism is a high priority for God and so it is for CCC; every soul matters.
Our corporate outreaches happen once every 4-6 weeks from a variety of means: giving restaurant servers blessing packs, Mobile Church Services, etc.
If you have an idea or are curious about evangelism or an outreach, or would like to be a part of an outreach, just let us know at cccmsa@loveled.org