1 Corinthians 15:3-4, ‘3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,’
I’ve been a Christian for just over 31 years and in that time, I’ve found very few churches, church para ministries, ministers, pastors, and/or people that regularly go to church that actually know what the Gospel is. There are some, but when I say very few, sadly I mean ‘very few’. Why is this the case? I believe the responsibility rests on the pastor, he’s the one who is responsible to properly feed Christ’s sheep. But it also rests on the individual to take responsibility to receive the Gospel. If you go on many church and parachurch ministry websites, you won’t find the Gospel. And understand, the main reason a church or a para church ministry exists, (or should exist), is because of the Gospel. There’s a thought in military aviation, “Military aviation is unique from private & commercial airliners because military aircraft carry bombs, missiles, and guns. Without that capability and use of weaponry, they’re simply a commercial airliner.”. In the same way, a church or ministry without the Gospel or the proclamation of the Gospel in all they do is simply a social club. Period. And a church or a ministry without the Gospel or it’s proclamation begs the question, “Should it really even be called a church or a ministry?”.
There are several components to a church, but the main component is Christ and His Gospel. And if you truly don’t have the Gospel and are calling yourself a Christian, a church, or a ministry, then really… what are you doing… what’s the point? If you look at any company’s website, or go into their brick and mortar building, upon entering they will tell you via a web page, pamphlet, large sign on the wall, etc., who they are, what they do, and why they do it. Some churches start in that direction, which is good; but when it comes to the main thing, the Gospel, they’re simply lacking as there is no Gospel mentioned whether on their website, sermons, or from the pastor or people. Why? I don’t know the motives but here are some thoughts: Some may not want to offend, an oversight, fear, bring people in with slick marketing, they’d rather promote the church or ministry, etc., I don’t know. However I do know this, it’s a problem nation wide.
What about the individual person? Let’s say a person who is a Christian (has the Gospel/has been born again) but never proclaims it and doesn’t have plans to deliver it. That would be like a ship holding precious cargo without ever having a destination. But honestly, if you have as the Bible says, ‘this treasure in your earthen vessel’, (if you truly have the Gospel), why wouldn’t you have a plan to share it? I believe what the church forgets is that we are just the shell of a vehicle that God uses while His Gospel is the inner working (the engine and all the parts) of the shell of the vehicle. What matters most is the Gospel inside, not the vehicle. And, what is more alarming, is that there may not be the Gospel resident in a church and in people who claim the Name of Christ. Could this be a main reason why people don’t share the eternal hope of Christ… because they really don’t know Him or His Gospel? Maybe.
In just the past year, below in italics are examples of what I’ve heard from ministers when a Gospel presentation has been made or there’s an opportunity for a Gospel presentation. Next to the italicized statements is my commentary about those statements. Understand that the context of these examples are from sermons calling a person to come to Christ for eternal forgiveness and not for existing Christians to grow closer to God…
“Accept Jesus in your heart.”
That’s a part of the application, but it’s not the Gospel. To the lost person, that should bring up several questions: Why should I accept Jesus into my heart? Who is Jesus? What does it mean to accept Jesus into my heart? What’s the context?
“Live in such a way that when at the end of this life we will see Jesus. Run the race to obtain the prize.”
It’s Scripture; but it’s Scripture taken out of context. This ‘Gospel presentation’ is based fully on works and not God’s grace. It’s not the Gospel.
“Make peace with your Creator.”
How? How does someone make peace with their Creator? Who is the Creator? Why should I make peace with this Creator? Again, this is works and not grace. And again, it’s not the Gospel.
And sadly, repeatedly, and is the norm… no Gospel presentation is made when there could’ve (and should have) been one made.
In the above examples (and many more that aren’t mentioned) there’s no cross, no blood, no perfect life of Jesus, no death, no tomb or resurrection, no sin to be repented of, no crying out for mercy, no wrath of God from which we need to escape, no love, and no grace. Understand, this isn’t an article to disparage any one certain person or denomination, but it is to sound an alarm. If we can’t find the Gospel in Christ’s Church at any given time, then as Jesus said, we’ve lost our salt. We need the Gospel to be saved; it’s that simple. Not a quippy saying, not a slogan, not a feeling… we need the Gospel to be saved.
Within the Gospel is the only rescue plan of God in which sinful mankind can be forgiven from sin through the perfect Person and work of the God-man Jesus Christ.
So what is the Gospel? The Gospel is the following:
1 Corinthians 15:3-4, ‘3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,’. That is the Gospel, or, Good News.
To explain the Gospel, I’d like to offer the following from 1 Corinthians 15:3-4:
Vs. 3, ‘… our sins’.
- We were born in sin and our sins miss God’s perfect mark of moral perfection. When we sin we rebel against and hurt Him and we hurt others and ourselves. So we need to find out Who God is. He is: Perfectly: Triune (a Trinity– God the Father, God the Son {Jesus Christ, God the Holy Spirit}), Holy, Righteous, Wrathful, Loving, Gracious, Merciful. We find these attributes in the Bible in Matthew 3:13-17, Isaiah 6:1-10, Psalm 14:17-19, Romans 1:18, 1 John 4:16, Psalm 145:9.
- Who we are...
God’s Creation & Image Bearers of God, Sinners. Genesis 1:27, Genesis 3:1-6, Psalm 51:5, Romans 3:23, 1 John 3:4, James 2:10
- What the punishment is for being a sinner and for sinning...
Eternal death and receiving God’s just wrath in Hell for our unpardoned sins while being separated from God’s Love. Romans 6:23, Revelation 21:8
All of this tells us Who God is, what sin is, who we are, and why the unforgiven are punished justly.
Vs. 3-4, ‘3 … Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 4 that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,’
What the Gospel is…
There is Good News of eternal life by being rescued through the forgiveness of sins and being made right with God by Jesus Christ’s perfect life, death, burial, and resurrection.
John 3:16, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:3-5
Between hearing the Gospel and choosing whether or not to receive Christ and His redemptive work on our behalf, we need to consider the cost (consider what following Jesus will entail). Luke 14:25-33
How to Properly Respond to the Gospel...
Place your faith in Christ alone, repent, and receive forgiveness from God.
Mark 1:14-15, John 3:16, John 3:36, Romans 10:9-13
For a more in depth look, go to:
It’s my hope that this helps to not only see the problem that our country, and world, faces and why it faces it, but how we can better our presentation of the Gospel.
In Christ,
Scott Welch