In light of the upcoming election, we (the Church {you and I}) are taking several steps to prepare for the upcoming vote and life after the vote; regardless of the outcome. From praying individually & corporately during our 41 Days of prayer, to the Oct. 27th sermon, 'UNDERSTANDING WHY GOD IS PRO LIFE' and Nov. 3rd's sermon, 'VOTING WITH A MEANINGFUL LIFE', we are in a season where we're intentionally seeking God while trying to help people understand God's position on key points of this election. Whether a person is Pro Life or Pro Choice, Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, or somewhere in between, we want to hear that person's thoughts. One of the ways of hearing someone's thoughts is through a survey. The survey is called, 'PRO LIFE/PRO CHOICE SURVEY', and it's not only open to Christ Community Church to take, it'll also be open to the public to take. Know that this survey is completely anonymous. To access this survey click on the below link, scan the QR code in your bulletin, or you can pick up a survey at the church. Thank you, in advance, for taking time to answer this survey. Remember, we will provide an informational sermon about the findings of this survey on Oct. 27, 2024 at the 10AM church service with, 'UNDERSTANDING WHY GOD IS PRO LIFE' and there'll be another sermon that will tie into that on Nov. 3rd called 'VOTING WITH A MEANINGFUL LIFE' that is going to be encouraging about the future... despite the election's outcome.
These two sermons are not just for the church, but for everyone. We want people to understand why God is pro life and not have people just believe distorted sound bytes. We want people to understand that God intends people to have a meaningful life in Him despite who is ruling a nation. We want people to understand God so that they can have a saving relationship with Him. So invite people to come out to these two Sundays. Salvation is of the Lord and I understand that, but God uses people like you and me to get His Gospel out. Should those that you invite come to these two services, they'll come away with solid Biblical, logical, and scientific answers that may get them to think favorably about God. And we can pray that Christ uses that in their lives to bring them to Himself.