Located in the office wing of the church building, the Christ Community Church library offers many resources to people of all ages such as study guides, Christian doctrine, maps/atlases/research, apologetics, historicity, commentaries, information about cults/false religions/aberrant ‘christian’ offshoots, Christian fiction & nonfiction, Christian teaching, DVD’s, dictionaries & Bible dictionaries, Christian growth, concordances, hymnals and of course Bibles… and so much more! The library will continually be added to, as well. If there’s something we don’t have that you’d like, let the office know.
Hymnals & Bibles
The hymnals and Bibles are free if you’ll be taking nine or less. But if you’re wanting 10 or more of these two items, (while still free), please let one of the elders or the office know.
Check Out/Return Procedures
For Members:
Checking a resource out is as simple as logging your name in the check out log book in the library. We appreciate returns within one month.
For Guests:
When you check out your first resource, simply give us your contact information and it will be kept in the office in a locked area. From that time going forward, simply log your name in the check out log book in the library. We appreciate returns within one month.
If you’d like to donate to the library...
Resources (books, DVD’s, etc.):
If you would like to donate a resource, please call or email the office to let us know what resource you’d like to donate and the elders will connect with you soon after. All donation resource ideas will be submitted to the elders for approval (Hebrews 13:17). While we appreciate the desire to generously donate resources, we only accept donations that have gone through the elder’s approval process.
If you would like to donate financially, we sincerely appreciate it. Simply donate online at https://www.loveled.org/donate or you can fill/fill out an offering envelope (we accept cash & checks) mentioning LIBRARY and turn in to the church office or the offering basket during a Sunday service. Thank you very much for your generosity.
The Christ Community Church Library is a great resource that we strongly encourage everyone to use. The resources found within the library will lend themselves to your spiritual growth in a powerful way.
“In the meantime the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ work with thee, gentle reader, in all thy studious readings.” John Foxe